
Conference News

Prof. Panyue Zhang, Prof. Baoguo Han, Prof. Yushi Liu, Prof. Xu Long will Be Present At ICCEIC2023 Conference!

ICCEIC2023 will be held in a more convenient online way on September 20, 2023. Prof. Panyue Zhang, Prof. Baoguo Han, Prof. Yushi Liu, Prof. Xu Long will be present at ICCEIC2023 conference!

Dr. Panyue Zhang is the professor from College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University and is responsible for the teaching of experimental design and data analysis courses for graduate students and water pollution control engineering courses for undergraduates. His research interests focus on Microbiology in Environmental Engineering, Biomass utilization, Water and wastewater treatment, Ecological remediation. He has presided over or participated in more than 20 research projects and has published more than 190 papers in international journals. Dr. Panyue Zhang also won awards or honors, such as Moral Pioneer of Teachers of Beijing (2018), Bayu Scholar Support Program of Distinguished Professor of Chongqin (2017), Application Study of Cavitation Effect in Pollutant Degradation and Environmental Nanomaterials Preparation, the Natural Science Award of Shandong Province, the Second Prize (2014), etc.

Prof. Baoguo Han received his PhD from the Harbin Institute of Technology, China, in 2005. He is currently a full professor of School of civil engineering at the Dalian University of Technology, China. He is charge of teaching Undergraduates and Graduates courses, including Fundamentals of Materials Science for Intelligent Construction, Building Materials, High Performance and Intelligent Concrete Structures, etc. His main research interests include cement and concrete, smart materials and structures, multifunctional concrete, nano-engineered cementitious composites, and health monitoring and traffic detection. He has published 3 books (authored), 2 books (edited), 13 book chapters and more than 150 technical papers.

Dr. Yushi Liu is Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor from Harbin Institute of Technology, China. He received a bachelor's degree in materials science from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2012 and a doctor's degree in civil engineering in 2017. He was engaged in postdoctoral research at Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore from 2020 to 2021. Dr. Liu was committed to building energy conservation and low carbonization during the curing and operation in cold regions. He has undertaken 10+ research projects including National Natural Science Foundation of China. As the first or corresponding author, he has published about 50 SCI papers in high-level journals such as Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Applied Energy, Composites Part A, Composites Part B Renewable Energy and so on, including about 40 JCR Q1 papers and 4 highly cited papers of ESI. Dr. Liu served as a member of guest editors in chief/guest editors of SCI journals Separations and Energies, etc. And he was one of the session chairs/TPC members at ICAE for 2021 and NEFES for 2020-2022. Dr. Liu won the First Prize of Science and Technology Award of Chinese Materials Research Society, the Second Prize of Heilongjiang Province Science and Technology Progress Award, the Second Prize of Hebei Province Science and Technology Progress Award, the Second Prize of the China Building Materials Federation Science and Technology Award, the outstanding doctoral Thesis award of Harbin Institute of Technology, Applied Energy Highly Cited Review Paper Award, and IAAM Scientist Medal.

Prof. Xu Long is an associate professor from Northwestern Polytechnical University. His research interests focus on electronic packaging mechanics, mechanical behavior and failure mechanism of electronic packaging materials and structures under multi-physics fields, reliability study of sintered silver nanoparticle for high-power electrical devices. He has presided or participated in many projects and published more than 70 papers in international journals. Prof. Long Xu has won several honors and awards, such as IAAM Scientist Award, 2nd Prize of Outstanding Achievement Award for Science and Technology Research in Shaanxi Universities, 2nd Prize of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for Science and Technology in Shaanxi, etc. He is also Associate Editor of Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, and Guest Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in Materials, Coatings, Frontiers in Physics and IEEE Senior Member. Prof. Long Xu also serves as reviewer in peer reviewed international journals, including International Journal of Plasticity, Journal of Building Engineering, Surfaces and Interfaces, Smart Structures and Systems, Polymers and so on.

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