
Conference News

ICMSE & ICCEIC 2023 Has Been Held Successfully!

On September 20, 2023, Beijing Time, the 11th International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering & the International Conference on Civil Engineering and Intelligent Construction (ICMSE&ICCEIC2023) has been successfully held online! The conference is organized by the International Association of Management Science and Engineering Technology (IAMSET).

ICMSE&ICCEIC2023 conference focuses on the fields of Mechanical Science and Engineering, and Civil Engineering and Intelligent Construction, and aims to discusses the latest innovations, trend and concerns, as well as the practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the related fields. The topics include (but no limited) Dynamics and Control System, Acoustics, Vibration and Noise, Mechanical Design and Optimization, Transportation, Ocean and Aerospace, Robotics and Intelligent Automation, IOT and Information Technology, Structural and Civil Engineering, Construction and Bridge Engineering, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sustainability, Traffic Engineering, Municipal Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, etc.

Part of the participants

Keynote Speech

Prof. Jie Deng from Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, gives his speech titled "Recent advances on acoustic black holes".

Prof. Jie Deng

Prof. Yushi Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, delivers the speech titled "Tailoring the microstructure of rice husk ash to improve thermal properties of composite phase change materials".

Prof. Yushi Liu

Prof. Xu Long from Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, delivers the presentation titled "Advances of constitutive properties for electronic packaging materials under extreme loadings".

Prof. Xu Long

Prof. Van Tu Nyugen, National University, Korea, gives the presentation titled "Modern Numerical Methods for Compressible Multiphase Flows: Applications to Shockwaves, Cavitation, and Bubble Dynamics".

Prof. Van Tu Nyugen

Dr. Yilin Zhu, Southwest Petroleum University, China, presents the speech titled "Design and application exploration of auxetic meta-materials".

Dr. Yilin Zhu

Prof. Naveen Mani Tripathi from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, India, presents the topic "Energy consumption during the fluid-particle (two phase) flow in the horizontal curved pipeline".

Prof. Naveen Mani Tripathi

Prof. Miaolei Zhou, Jilin University, China, delivers his speech titled "Hysteresis Modeling and Control for Smart Material-based Actuators".

Prof. Miaolei Zhou

Dr. S M Anas, Jamia Millia Islamia, India, delivers the speech "Evaluation of critical damage location of contact blast on conventionally reinforced one-way square concrete slab applying CEL-FEM blast modeling technique".

Dr. S M Anas

Dr. Elias Randjbaran, Aircraft Composite INC. (ACI), Malaysia, gives his presentation titled "Development and Application of a Viscoelastic Model for Elastomers in Sustainable Polymer Modelling".

Dr. Elias Randjbaran

Prof. Ravi Nigam, Swami Vivekananda University, India, delivers his speech titled "Crack detection in a beam using curvatures and digital image measurements".

Prof. Ravi Nigam

Prof. Blaz Likozar, National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), Slovenia, gives his wonderful idea "Valorisation of Waste Mineral Resources".

Prof. Blaz Likozar

Closing Ceremony

ICMSE&ICCEIC 2023 has set up a good platform for experts and scholars from all over the world to carry out full and in-depth discussions on hot issues, key technologies and latest achievements in the field of mechanical science and engineering, civil engineering and intelligent construction. It plays an active role in promoting technical research and academic development in related fields. The online conference also took the form of simultaneous live broadcast on multiple platforms, attracting the attention of many scholars, teachers and students in the same fields, and there were nearly 400 participants in the whole conference.

The conference was successfully concluded with the strong support of experts, scholars and participants from all over the world!

Looking forward to seeing you next time!

Note: If participants need conference certificate, please contact the conference committee by email!



Call for Papers

The academic conference successfully achieved the expected results. Research advances in mechanical science and engineering and in civil engineering and intelligent construction drive economic growth and industrial innovation, help address urbanization challenges, and provide critical support for the sustainable development of society. Therefore, the experts agreed that international cooperation and exchange in the field of mechanical science and engineering and in the field of civil engineering and intelligent construction are essential, and reached the intention of gathering academic papers on relevant topics in the field and publishing them to promote academic exchanges and disciplinary development.

This conference is supported by many high-scoring journals!


The 11th International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering (ICMSE2023)

The International Conference on Civil Engineering and Intelligent Construction (ICCEIC2023)


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