
Keynote Speakers Details


Prof. Ping Xiang /Professor

School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, China

Ping Xiang is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Civil Engineering, Central South University. He has presided over the National Natural Science Foundation project and published more than 100 SCI papers, including ESI highly cited and many top SCI papers in the first region, and obtained 3 patents and 3 software Copyrights. His research interests include dynamics of coupling system of high-speed railway rail-rail bridge, traffic safety of high-speed railway bridge under earthquake action, finite element method of computational mechanics, meshless method of computational mechanics, steel-bone concrete composite structure, computational nanomechanics and biomechanics, etc. He has been invited to visit many international universities, such as Swansea University in the UK, Kunsan National University, Dartmouth College, etc.